Thursday, March 26, 2009

There's an underlying side of me which hates myself, the way things are now, and what I've become.  

And I have no way to express it out. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Before I go...

Okay. So we received the news that we, indeed, are not getting any bonus, for all the shits I worked for in year 2008. For the number of times I was uber shagged out almost to the max and still I pushed myself, for the occasions I didn't apply shit medical leave even though I was so very ill, still - no bonus. 


Now I can make up my mind and leave. I certainly worth more.

To make myself sound a lil enthusiastic, I am going to type in caps and ends the sentence with an exclamation mark.


I have to make myself believe that it's indeed going to be one hell of a trip although I know for sure I won't be hesitating to hop onto the return flight back to SG at the end of my trip. Let it be just 7 days of soul vacation. I hope it is going to rain dinosaurs and mammoths for 3 days so I can nuah in the hotel room in a foreign land, read, rest and to think deeper into myself. Seriously, the 25th of this month at the beach is more appealing as compared to this trip. /weeps Now I've learnt a lesson. Do not attempt to travel to a country which doesn't impress you much even though it's for the sake of wanting to be there. Now, I need some counselling.

Imma be dead broke after this Taiwan trip. But almighty thanks to Dessy for giving me a 200 buckaroos voucher to get my Marc Jacobs bag. 

And so, baby, this is the answer to your question:

"Be good. And you'll know when I'm back."

Hahaha. :p

Watched the battle of the Titans with Dessy at Indochine after work that night, and darn, the reason why Man Utd lost was because I was surrounded by Liverpool fans. Okay. Let's not talk about soccer. I almost cried. It hurts. And to those Man Utd fans who walked away the moment Liverpool scored the fourth one, boo.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Nouvelle Vague.

We do not adore Nouvelle Vague's for no reason. 


And then goodbye
I live in a wafer thin dream
I, I can't cry
You know the time
Time's not kind

But I remember the way we were
The slow, slow sad love
I wonder do you miss my love
I know you can't
It's just a wave passing over me

What are these waves
They're coming over me
It must be my destiny

They're coming by
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

They're coming by
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A discussion of Love.

According to Aristophanes in Plato's Symposium, in the ancient world of myth there were three types of people: "male/male, male/female or female/female." In other words, each person was made out of the components of two people. But then God took a knife and cut everybody in half, right down the middle. So after that the world was divided into male and female, the upshot being that people spend their time running around trying to locate their missing other half.

I am staying put, this time round.

Monday, March 2, 2009

"When things look bad, they'd only get worse."

Yes. I said that. I thought I have been trying to be realistic, negative and positive somehow. But, wth? Things really are getting so fugged up at work. I almost felt like walking away from all this mess that I did not intentionally create. Duh? I did no screw ups, now I have to be the one to take the trash out? 

God. If you decide to convince me for once, quit slamming the fucking doors right in my face!

And to anyone who's reading this, don't probe. 
Just lend me your shoulders and send me your words of comfort.