Sunday, October 18, 2009

Big boy & his new toy!

For Desmond Wai for being a 28-er; a PS3.

Tata PS2...

Went down town to get Des a toy. Ate at Tonkichi at Orchard central and we were almost worried that it won't taste as good as the one at Taka. Meh. But we were wrong. The coffee jelly is so yummy too! I think it rocks better than the one at PastaCafe. Anyway, the actual day celebration for his birthday is on Monday. I should call Rive now. Brrr. Pokka food group should make us VIPs! Since we're always eating everything under them - Tonkichi, PastaCafe, Rive Gauche...

We are going to Bintan in November!

[edit] Genting again... -.-

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