Saturday, September 5, 2009

Martini extra dry with lotsa olives.

Everyone close enough around me knows that I have had a total career switch recently - retail to shipping. What a worlds apart change! I re evaluated on the things I want for myself, set new goals, altered a little of my aspirations, braced myself up to brand new challenges and found myself struggling for the past two nights trying hard to remember ports' names, countries', provinces', which resulted in the sudden rise of stress level and is definitely the cause of my insomnia. Bear this in mind that I used to flunk my geography back then in school. Traveling is a love, remembering 926 ports is a loathe.

I was scolded because I do know how to spell Bandar Abbas which is in Dubai. I was jeered at because I couldn't be fast enough to give the most precise answer on tariffs and vessels info.

Shippers are impatient people.

Whoever once told me that the world is beautiful has forgotten to add this piece of info that mankind is ugly. I plead to parents and parents-to-be out there to quit telling your kids that everyone should treat one another with grace and kindness. Because I told myself that I should function this way, I ended up being fooled and getting hurt by insensitivity now. If you don't wish your kids to get hurt in the future, tell them the truth.

And as if, everyone is born with a world map etched in their heads.

But whatever it is, it is a job. It is my job. And if I pull through this shithole soon enough, things will look brighter and perhaps I might pull this off somehow.

The Boyfriend.

The boyfriend is the best boyfriend on earth, one could ever find. I shall justify, He has been showering the best support one could ever had, doing a lot of listening of the whines, nags, complains and endless talking. He is not showing any disparaging and instead has been giving advice and encouraging words. A rare catch indeed - he is always here for me.

I miss days being indolent without carrying any woes. However, it seems to me that I have to age like a normal aged - to fear having nothing to claim as achievements under my name when I'm old or be it, nothing to offer myself, my family and my family-to-be.

This is Life in the fast lane.

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