Monday, August 30, 2010

I was involved in a road accident last night.

No, I didn't fly.

No, it wasn't Ain's fault.

No, my iPhone 4 survived.

Yes, I'm typing this in Hell.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

The sky's the limit.

My name is C.
I didn't just happen to have this name out of pure coincidence.
Nor did I give it to myself.
I was born with it.

And no way am I going to die, just like anybody - a nobody.

I want to leap onto the moon.

Monday, August 23, 2010

I've decided to rid the butterflies because I somehow don't really feel comfortable with them.

Yet another day of humdrum existence. I have been living a monotony for the entire day. Nothing seems to thrill or send a upbeat to my insides. I woke up as commanded by my bio clock. And besides reading up a little, watching Nat Geo a little, did the laundry, I had let today while itself away like it should. A few too many times, I've dozed off on the couch. Only to be awaken to nothingness again. As stoic as it is, this is never a cup of my tea.

Thought of going out alone to take some pictures. But with the weather pouring and all, staying indoors seems like the clearer better option.

Doesn't my life revolve around something else besides work, guinea pigs, books, lomography, booze, family and friends? I am so inadequate! Something is missing. My mojo is! I need to work on a change. Any adoption of another attitude is good. I just need a breakthrough.

I dislike this feeling of a walking dead. My jokes are getting colder, everyone around me is boring me one way or another. Meeting repetitive people and talking repetitive talks. "I think I need a boyfriend Dawn." "No, you don't. You just need to go out with your friends." Is this true? That after hanging out with someone for quite some time, both of you somewhat drain yourselves out of topics? And the only common topics which used to hold both together will eventually evolve to differences which will inevitably intervene both? Ideas and opinions are such tricky businesses. Especially when obstinacy and adamance play such omnipresent parts.

As I age, why does it seem tougher than before, to get closer to someone? Could a guarded heart be the cause? Could naiveness be a fundament to trusting? Is it impossible for all to take me as guilelessly as they could because I am quite aware that if I bestow you my friendship, I am never too selfish on my sincerity. Then again, do not reproach me for not being trusting, because being trusting and sincere are two wholly different matters.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"...all of the world's misfortunes stemmed from the countless untruths, both deliberate and unintentional, which people told because of haste and carelessness."

how special could we be,
if we hadn't got you and me.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


I don't watch tv. So when I said a serial is good, it means it's damn good. And it has to be Glee. I ain't even this mad over South Park. Why I love Glee:

  • There's someone whom I would really want for a boyfriend - Puck (Mark Salling)
  • There's lotsa dancing
  • There's lotsa singing
  • There's music (All genres and it's awesome!)
  • It ain't draggy
  • It makes me laugh
  • It makes me cry (especially so bad, when they didn't win sectionals)

And now I couldn't imagine one night without watching a new episode of Glee. So while waiting for season 2 to be out, I am going to re-watch season 1.

Friday, August 6, 2010

This is called the Glee Syndrome. Everyday, fucking four hours of sleep. And super hectic work schedule with absolutely no time for a breather. Now they are asking me to Butter Factory. God.

Why am I getting so popular these days? Lol.

Monday, August 2, 2010

"You know what I'm looking forward to? My so very hot next boyfriend, with a bod as crazy as Salling's, romantic, smooth, intelligent, deep, funny, and the crazy sex we're going to have. Lol."

Neon lights, tell me about it someone.

I reckon Movida is the only place where you can find practically everyone there, all ethnic groups, men and women from all sizes, heights, with different body odour. Most of them smell like shat there. Standing in front of the bar at the back, I felt like I was having a graphic motion picture of a circus, with clowns not in their usual outfits and wigs. But nevertheless, funny, hilarious and tummy rumbling. One girl danced as if she has got ants on her body. So I laughed, and I kept laughing.

I was wearing sandals with a tee layered with a sheer dress looking thing and so were the other girls wearing sandals. We were not dressed up for clubs, but thank god, we all have gotten a pretty face, the counter staff decided to let us in. Now, that's not true.

We tried to re enter at Powerhouse. It was a shittish feeling because everyone around us looked as if they were barely legal. Youngsters around, doing things I used to do, talking on top of their lungs, sleeping outside the entrance, quarreling, blah blah blah. Then, we gave up on the never moving queue because I didn't manage to see any Mark Salling lookalike. And went back to Movida, the place for the old and the fucked up clubbers.

We parked at the round bar adjacent to the entrance, this short and stout humpty dumpty came up to me and asked me for a dance, I shoved him away by doing such a rude gesture that upon the recollection of it now, I think I could have been slapped across the face. No, I didn't gave him the finger, put your right hand in front of you, pretend you're shoving someone away. That's that. And fuck the crowd, for dancing so badly. This group of chinese girls who went up to the stage just to scream and bent a little should be tied to the trees outside.

Movida, you suck. I have no idea why your clubbers seem to have more trouble coordinating their arms and legs together than wherever I've seem em from. I really can't seem to find someone who's at least a decent groover. And I thank God for being so unfair to em, because he made me someone who's a ownage at dancing. I thank God for giving me such a great voice too. I thank God for giving me straight hair, decent facial features, and I thank God for not making me stupid. Okay, since these are what I can list down about myself, which I nevertheless think they should rightfully belong to a category which I believed it's called "pros", I strongly believe I'm going to grow old and die alone.

How I got fucked today? The moment I got onto the train, I started reading, and strapped on my iPod. The moment realization struck, I was at Bishan. From Orchard to Cityhall, then from Cityhall back to the Orchard route again. Fugged. Fugged x570284707 times. How cock can I get.

I'm still waiting for my confirmation letter from M1. Where the fuck is my iPhone?