Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Part Trois: Friends with Benefits

Two weekends have gone by since I last saw (shagged) K. My period has come and left. I've pulled through bridesmaid duties for a weekend and surprisingly took great fun in it. And I've also confessed to K that I might be developing feelings for him. It was difficult containing my feelings for him and when I decided to fess up, a sense of relief swept over me almost instantly.

"Don't tell him you have feelings for him and just enjoy the shag," Lc warned. And I went ahead to do it nonetheless. It was never me to bottle things inside. And honestly speaking, I am not going to deny that I wanted to see if he thinks he might have feelings for me too. Risk-taker as always.

Dealing with his unresponsiveness was hard. It's even more agonising when no text came from him even after a couple of days had passed and especially when I could see that he read my message. Can you imagine how I felt? Just go and take a dump now, stand up without pushing the flush button and look at what you've left behind. Bummed, I decided to move on. The bridesmaid duty last weekend sure did help take things off my mind as I enjoyed attention from the groomsmen. One actually gave me intense eye contact throughout the entire day and another actually asked me out to the after-party which I had politely declined. And just when I was all set to forget K, he sent a long ass text when the newly-weds were busy taking limelight on stage. 

"What happened was we weren't just shagging. We were kissing and cuddling whole night and I was not so sure if I should continue cause I've been so used to being alone for so long. I still do, I enjoy doing my own thing and being alone." 

I got Mai who was seated right next to me at the wedding dinner to analyse the text for me while she was finishing up her soup. 

"Sounds like he has a thing for you and he's chickening out now," she said as she took one last sip. Grinning, I put away my phone and enjoyed having the ball in my court for a good two days. On Tuesday evening, I responded to his lengthy ass message and asked him to go to Zouk with us on the lunar new year weekend. 

"Down. But seriously, we are a little too old for Zouk," he replied. (You're fucking joking, you're 23. Who are you to say 'old'?)

I exploded confetti and saw rainbows in that instance. "Fucking whore Chrissy!" I had screamed at my own reflection in the mirror. But who cares really, I was overjoyed that I was going to see him again. 

Fast forwarding everything, I tried to firm up if he's indeed down for Zouk on Thursday. No response and that's nothing new. I honestly wonder all the time why he even has a phone and contemplated giving him a pigeon carrier for birthday. I am sure he would be thrilled. 

Friday came and no response still and I thought I saw my patience flew out the window. Upset, I asked if he even had the courtesy to respond to texts and once again, he began his preach on how he's not a big texter. "Motherfucker, I can see your 'last seen'," I had thought to myself. I was seriously upset and told him never to look me up again. He replied on Saturday and said how he knew he has ruined something we shouldn't hold on to. What the fuck? It was possibly the best apologetic slap I have ever received in my entire life. Panicking that I wouldn't get to see him, I mellowed down and tried to coax him into heading to Zouk with us after he said he ain't in a right fit to. 

No go.

Feeling extremely bummed, I headed out to Club St to meet up with Y for a pre-party drink. I had prayed to the universe for a miracle. 

A dozen texts and some mini squabble later, he finally said 'yes' to "Can we fuck tonight?" 

At 2am, I was at the foot of the building at 370 Thomson Road. 

"Give me minute. I am walking back now." 

"From where?"


Two agonising minutes later, he walked passed the gate and headed toward my direction.

"Hi Chrissy," he said as he kissed me on both cheeks. 

Back in his room, the courting game began over a glass of wine. I gave him a good lashing and he apologised fervently about his texting habit. I stood up and pranced up and down in his room while he sat on his bed looking at me do so.

"I respect you Chrissy. I never liked many people in my life but I like you. That friend who was over just now? I don't even like him and I can't wait to get him to fuck out of the house."

He grabbed my hand suddenly and pulled me toward him. I fell on him as he dug his face into my cleavage. Then he pinned me down on bed and began kissing my breasts. He stopped, looked at me for a bit and made his way to my lips. We were once again kissing passionately. And I was once again manhandled the way I adore. He just knows it doesn't he?

He held my left leg up and reached for what was underneath the mini shorts I was wearing and found the treasure which he began stroking. His lips never left mine during the process and the next I knew, we were stripping each other with zest. He made his way down south and began licking my clitoris and the opening. It felt so good to be eaten out by him. And I moaned with such pleasure. I pushed him off me and sat him up at the side of the bed. Kneeling on the floor, I began to lick and suck his balls. He moaned and threw his head back in ecstasy. "Who taught you to suck like that?" He moaned harder as I teased his balls with my tongue. 

"Have we got green tea left?" I asked and reached out for the bottle. I then took a gulp of it and began to push his cock into my mouth with the cold green tea still inside. He moaned ever louder. He sat up and said "I want to fuck you now" as he lifted me off the floor and pushed me on to the bed. We kissed with even more passion as he wore the condom and before I realized, his stiffness was inside me and he began to thrust me hard. Ramming his entire cock into me, he grabbed my left boob and asked if it was gentle enough (he had bruised me the previous times when he grabbed my boobs a little too hard). "I love this fuckboy," I thought in my head. 

One fuck later, he got dressed and sat on a chair facing me while I sat naked on the bed. We debated on humanity and shared with each other how we think we are sociopaths. We both seem to take great pride in it and I thanked universe for sending someone like him to me. You don't get a lot of self-proclaiming sociopaths who actually know they are one. I decided to nickname him 'rabbit-killer' after he told me how he used to hunt back then in Europe and actually thought rabbit meat was delicious.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked him.

"You're scary Chrissy," he said when I told him I love reading up on serial killers.

He then went on to share with me how his dad was a sniper during the war and is now an architect and how the mood was always tense when the dad was around. Bad childhood definitely. His mom is now living separately on her own while his sister and father still live together. These are intimate details you share when you start to open up to someone. Yes?

5am struck and he decided we should sleep. With my back facing him, he decided to keep his hand to himself. No spooning. "Are you intentionally not cuddling me?" I asked. And he threw his right hand over to cup my left breast. After some fondling, we started kissing again gently first which shortly went right into the fast lane called 'passionately' and in no time, he was once again on top of me. Pinning me down to the bed, we kissed each other fervently and our hands explored each other's body. I really fucking love his ass. A few minutes later, he was inside of me. "Get up, I want to fuck you from behind," he said and so I did as told. He thrusted and rammed all of him into me as I took pleasure in being manhandled from behind. I held on to the bed stand as he grabbed my left boob and pulled me up close to kiss me. A few minutes of heavy thrusting later, he came and we fell asleep in no time.

We were awaken by some odd noises a few minutes later and the both of us got up together to check out what it was. It turned out, his aircon was dripping water. I told him to place a towel underneath it and come back to bed.

The day broke not long after as the sunlight came beating into his room. I kissed him on his neck and chest and he started grabbing my ass as we laid sideways facing each other. He got up, drew the curtains, pinned me down to the bed, and started stroking my pussy as he sucked on my nipples. He then slipped a finger into me and began working on my G spot. When he slipped two fingers in, I moaned louder as he fucked me with them.

"Someone's in the kitchen," he said as he kissed my neck while I was caught in an euphoric state that he was responsible for sending me to.

"Who cares?" I responded.

He came when he was fucking me sideways with his left hand on my right boob, and gave me a kiss on the forehead as he rolled out of bed. He then got dressed and went out to make coffee for the both of us. Two cigarettes and a lungo later, he told me that he wanted to start his day and I got the not-so-subtle hint and booked myself a car.

"You make me feel like a working girl you know?" This was not a question.

"Do I? I am sorry. I never wanted to. Are you expecting me to kiss and hug you like a girlfriend?

"So are we still going to continue fucking or this is the end of the arrangement?"

"Yeah, we can do that. You know fuck once in a while. Like every weekend kind," he said.

Relieved that it was an every weekend kind of arrangement, I told him to walk me down to the ride and before I got on to the car, he told me to give him a hug.

"I'll talk to you later Chrissy," he said as he put me into the car.

"Bullshit," I thought to myself and threw him a side glare as the car pulled out of the driveway of 370 Thomson Road. 

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