Thursday, April 26, 2007

ann sally's i wish you (both) love.

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At 0600hours. My night lamp and my maroon satin curtains.

1. Feel the want of
2. Not have
3. Notice esp with regret the absence of - e.g I miss you

It was pouring when I opened my eyes. My room was pretty much in a state... Well you can call it heavenly. It was clearly less than 20 degrees. Real dark. Real dreamy. And my bed just happens to be Godlike. What it does is, it slowly drains away your fatigue and recharges your body with all the energy you'll need for the day. Which kinda now explains why my friends who'd once slept in, are always requesting to come over.

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Yvonne didn't call me last night, nor is she calling now. The guy whom she is interested in, went to her school to pick her up last night. Needless to say, ...

I am not naturally insecured. Issues which had happened in the last two years of my life just got me hitting right into that pathetic state. Sorting out all thoughts, all along, I know what I wanna do with my life. When I said that a relationship isn't about setbacks and it shan't be served as a distraction, I had been guilty of letting it holding my life back. I gave up a golden opportunity of having a OJT overseas. That was because I was with someone whom I don't wish to part with despite how much deep down inside I had wanted to go. (One factor has gotten to be my guinea pigs)I don't blame no one, but myself. I don't mean what I say, most of the times. I claim to be strong, but I am sure, most of you around, know that I am just a weakling.

I am not exactly the best in a very special way.
But this is just me, and trust me, I am trying hard to be better.

(But I am a ninja at cryptic crosswords.)

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