Thursday, November 1, 2007


Fifth night at Macau. And I swear I am a shivering hen already. The wind here is crazy. And the people here is... OMFG. Seriously when I mentioned to my temporary duty manager that the service standard here is bad, he said that there's no standard at all. *He is a hongkie. You must have thought I have the audacity to even say something like that, but seriously, I am not lying, he sweared curses like fcuk, bullshit, asshole while he conducted our training.

Ah, the only thing which I think my hotel's great is the food served at the staff canteen. It is an international buffet at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I should be losing weight hey! And yes, though Macau may look really down and slumps-like, the stuffs here are pricey. It's the same as those in Singapore and the only thing cheap is the ciggies! To even want to quit smoking here is like insanity can. It's only 17 buckaroos in MOP. Which means it's less around 3 bucks SGD? Huh... To eat here is more expensive than smoking okay.

Okay. My cantonese still sucks. Though I can pronounce the 6 tones for the words, but I can't phrase what I had always wanted to say in a full sentence. /sulks

I miss Singapore.

Esp my baby.

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