Saturday, November 3, 2007


Photos! Sorry guys! Didn't walk around Macau! These are what I have, the rest are all in videos. ^^

Converse all around Macau.
Taipa actually.

Syndicate busted! We specially arranged those notes and took this photo to mimick those in crime watch. LOL.

It's been almost a week here. And I must say, I am getting used to living here. Though work hasn't really started officially, but I am assigned to the busiest lobby in my hotel next monday! Which is like... DUHZ! /mimicks Duty Manager Gary I swear I am the clown when I mimick every lil gestures of his man! The guys love it!

Met new friends. We've had laughs. New faces everywhere, My hotel is this massive till we have over 200 over nationalities working together. As for the number of employees, I ain't sure. But Gary mentioned that the departments don't coordinate with one other. Big problem eh! /sighs I seriously wish Gary to be my mentor man.

Beyonce is here to perform in the 15,000 seat arena! Very disappointed I couldn't get any free tickets to watch her! /Arghhhhhh

I think I was right on saying when there's no love, there's no pain. Hah.

I would never know what I would be able to achieve unless I step out of my comfort zone isn't it?

And it's my off tomorrow! Off to China, here we go!

I derive that the people here are total worse than bullcrap.
Chinese are the rudest people on earth and they should belong to Pluto.

P/S I am a chinese. Yes I know!

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