Monday, July 20, 2009

I totally adore the latest entry Wenny wrote on her blog "Things I do with my boyfriend in bed". It really serve as some ideas for all of us in case our relationship gets mundane. Sadly, Desmond and I were usually so tired (especially me), that we went into dreamland right at the moment we hit the bed. That, he told me that I have this special ability to fall asleep as and when I fancy it.

I have to share this. I had really wanted to wait till I come back from Quincy with the saucy photos but I have to share this!

Tada~ My boyfriend made me such a fortunate girl!!! He chose the one which I fancy most outta Tiffany & Co's "Return to Tiffany"! Thank you baby! For making me so happy, for being you yourself!

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Desmond and I were playing with our webcammies the other night. Not anything kinky please.

I actually thought of closing down this blog. But on second thought, if this should go, it means some detailed emotional transitions would be forgotten too. Which isn't a good idea, because I think I still have a lot to learn from the past.

Two young guys (most probably gays) between age 15 - 17 were on the same tube. I think they didn't know they were homosexuals and is most probably attracted to each other because they stood to each other the way you stand next to your boyfriend/girlfriend. And they touched each other's hands. And I think they are about to explore some other parts soon. I felt so sorry, I didn't think they even realise that they are homo.

Is it a trend these days or was I not very alert to my surroundings when I was younger, that there's a major uprising number of homosexuals we see around us? I had to ask Desmond whether one of his acquaintances was a trend-follower. I can apprehend how Lesbians work but not Gays. I can't think of anything on a man's body which is a turn-on.

Okay. I am blabbering.

I am so looking forward to my birthday this year. We are going to check into Quincy on the night of 22nd. We were actually deciding between Scarlet Hotel and Quincy, but the indoor swimming pool which is on the high floor convinced us. Shall review!

Movida @ St James on the 21st. See me if you see me.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

It is hard to digest the fact that He has left us, about as hard to stomach as a tray of jolokia peppers. And his abrupt departure, just as blimey as him as a whole, stopped the world for a good whole morning. In the event of receiving this tough piece of news, I was rooted to the ground for a good whole minute and my mind went blank.

I started this one sided affair when I was 9. When CDs were a lavish sort of luxury, I was a proud owner of his Dangerous album in cassette form. Every day without fail, the first thing I did after I got home from school, was to plug my earphones in, and listen to the entire album again, again and again. If you should ever play just this one album, I can tell you exactly where he's going to "hee" or "wooh".

I believe that there are a handful of people out there who are as affected as I am, that entering his name in the Google search engine seems as mandatory as our morning cuppa. The thought of his demise is unbearable because I think the music industry can never get enough of him, and it will never be the same again.

By choosing to believe that he indeed wanted to go is probably the best appeasement I could find for myself. Because as what a friend of mine had noted, “how can someone who changed his entire skin color not prevent a cardiac arrest?" I believe he was getting tired of his controlled and scrutinised life, tortured and distorted by the 5th estate, finally.

Just as I was eagerly anticipating his next world tour, just when I was waiting for another good album, just when I was waiting for him to come on to this stage of his to enthral again, he left me with a sense of loss so unfamiliar.

While a clout still hangs over who the next incumbent as the epitome of showmanship may be, perhaps we should let this sense of loss hover because for a few of us, the world had indeed stopped. For another hefty millions more, theirs crashed.