Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Curtains close.

My blog, My speech, Me.

My readers, My 'bonds' who stand by me no matter how/what I bitch about anyone - thank you.

The bunch of sleazebags, a 'natural' act of spontaneity, wide-eyed vividness, and I'm always in the wrong. Browsed the photos time and time again, sleazebags still. Me in the wrong still. Angels are they, devil is me. I don't mean anything compared to a two week long so called bond. Angers everyone when I tell 'em. One super act kind sleazebag pretended to be concern, by simply bringing me down, assuming I have less friends, in order to bring herself up (because she has a lot of friends?) LOL?

You Miss Tan here, fyi, in case you ever get to see this (I perhaps shall make sure you do), sad to disappoint you, I don't know why I have so many male friends as compared to femme ones. I guess you could ask Dawn Yang or Nira why. And why I don't always hang out with my male friends because I care a great deal about my relationship and I don't ever want to make my other half feel lesser. And I always make sure I do not lead any of the guys on, neither do I wish to hinder their processes of having any possible girlfriends. Which I am, of course, and because you do not know me and I do not know you, definitely won't try to jude anyone whom I don't know. And I'm so sorry for you. Because if you're really that kind and sensitive, you would have persuaded him to come to me on that faithful monday, not persuade him to have dinner with you and your really cool and fun gang. Did I hit you right on the spot? *ouch

Miss Ng, just a note for you because you are so young. Learn how to protect yourself. My boobs are so personal to me, and I won't attach them to just anyone else. Do it only when you're drunk, to better give yourself a better reason to because you're wasted. Should have known better to keep a distance, otherwise, let your agenda be known. :)

My other half wants me to believe that you are all so pure, innocent and kind.

You girls know that those photos could cause trouble, didn't y'all?
Either a sleazebag or peanuts for brains, whatcha think?

I've been around way longer than any of you to perhaps be this distrusting. Well, search your consciences, can you REALLY trust anyone these days? Your Mom? How about Dad?

I am so ugly now, and only when I'm with you.

P.S take whatever you want from me, I'm sure it's so easy now. Because two week means more than one year. And uh, I'm ugly now to him. So it's really easy for any of you to come. And take it, because I can't care anymore nor lesser.

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