Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Looking through my eyes
At the world, can't you see
Every time I see your face
There's a choice to be made

Walking hand in hand
Through the sands of the time
As I peer into the past
Foreign steps are terrorizing

Watching what is now
There's a fork in the path
Of the future of your life
Which road shall you choose?

Choices to be made
Past and present, it's not easy
But my love will let me die
Until your heart resurrects me


is believing that he will eventually come.

Sunday, February 17, 2013


People come and go.

Those who used to matter to you at a certain point of time in your life don't quite mean a thing to you now. Those who used to have the unfathomable ability to send a million thoughts to your head or generate fluttering butterflies in your stomach no longer have the ability to anymore. So it seems. They have all been right all the while. Time is the best remedy for anything. 

And this is a sad thought to behold isn't it?

On the crossroad where two persons might meet and develop mutual attraction in hope for something concrete, paved was hypotheses of hope, faith and belief in something worthwhile that was within easy reach. Something worth waiting for, working towards for. Something worth the time, effort, dedication and pain. But very so often, things don't turn out the way we wanted them to. No matter how much we try to steer the boat, if it doesn't act in accordance with the motion of your hands, count yourself lucky it even budged. 

It's in the human blood that we romanticize the person we wish to be romantically involved with. We dream without a basis, we fantasize without grounds (and without limits), we would like to believe we live alongside Shakespeare and speak romance. 

There are many a few people who you don't wish to let go. And there are so many who you know are harmful to your well-being but find them hard to shake off. The bad memories that come together with these people haunt you the way a horror flick does and yet package themselves in pretty blue boxes topped with a fancy ribbon. But the uproar is, the point is, you find yourself running back to these people only to be dealt with the same hurt, offense, time and time again. And so it seems they really did mention people do deserve second chances and you have been trying to be magnanimous. But how does one handle those who never bother to reflect upon their own moral conduct? Especially when you've been facing one who you are sure is capable of bringing everyone around down in order to portray him/herself in a better light?

I spent my weekend being very still and quiet, letting thoughts race through my mind. I tried to undo certain events but I have come to terms that Hogwarts is never going to send me a letter. I paced two steps backwards and tried to salvage the current predicament that I think I am facing. I'm at an absolute loss for words and next action steps. Then before I knew it, I relapsed into this queer and quiet me, and start to think and feel again. 

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Hello Mister. Please to meet ya.

Upon a field of flowers, 

you hummed my favourite tune.

I said, "I'm yours." 

I need to know your face.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Let's face it. There are cheaters in the world. And just because you don't cheat now, it doesn't mean you won't in the future. Just because (so it seems) your partner is very much in love with you now, it doesn't mean he/she will remain unwavering for-fucking-ever. Well, the reason which triggered the birth of this post is that I stumbled upon this poor girl's tweet that (I am quite positive) was directed at me. For many of my readers (very little actually), you guys would most probably know by now, that I have unknowingly become a third party to a two year long relationship. And yes, they broke up.

To clear things up a little, I am not with the guy. The moment I found out that he's been having a relationship on the sideline, I broke up with him. Of course, being the usual drama queen I am and with much encouragement from the girlfriends, I gave him hell. And I bet everyone would agree that it's the kindest thing I could give him sans a Lionel Messi kick in his balls. 

Back to the tweet. I could have been a tad too sensitive and mistaken her tweet for one that was directed at me but it actually reads:

Fuck you and fuck her too! #fuckinghatecheaters

First and foremost, I am really not surprised that she wants to fuck me (whether physically or verbally). I could really muster the tiniest bit of empathy I have for her and understand why she hates me - why she even hates me. Because it's the very same thing which kept her to him for two fucking years that's blinding her of all the fucking wrongs he has done to her. When time washes everything away, she'd thank me for showing her what kind of arsehole he is. And she'd be grateful she doesn't have to witness the gruesome sight of his dog chewing on his nuts one night when he's asleep. I told y'all, I'm a witch.

I'm not mad. I really am not. I am just lost in a state of puzzlement because I thought I was a victim too. But fuck it. I honestly don't feel anything towards this stint and I do realised he's way out of my league and he should even thank me for having given him this chance. And Mr. Hugemember, if you ever bump into me on the streets, please do not attempt to call out my name and spare me the trouble of giving you a rather cold look thrown over a very cold shoulder. Don't call me, don't text me. Don't write to me, don't send it via pigeon. I'll shoot it.

Happy Valentine's Day all. I hope those who got your heart broken get it pieced right back come a new morrow. And piece it back yourself. Your fucking self. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Just T & C.

So... This may turn out to be an ordinary Wednesday just like any other but I almost burst into maniacal laughter when Tracy decided to forward me an email that she received at work; 

From:To (MCIL)
Date: February 06, 2013 3:30:16 PM
Subject: RE: The BHB Sales Pitch of a "Model" + Blogger and a Great Sample on How to Overcome it

Dear XXX,

Greetings to you.

Im Zy, a Singapore Model + Blogger at

Offering you Marketing Opportunities at my blog!
1. Display of your company's logo/banner:
at the side of my Blog
Direct link to your website
Visible to readers when they enter my blog!
Rate: SGD $5/day

2. My Review on your products/services:
*Feel free to let me try your products or services*
In other words, i'll blog for your products and services,
take professional photos with your products to show that I am promoting your products,
An Example of the quality of professional photos:
and give my enthusiastic review.
*Rates: SGD $250 per blog post*

Past examples:

Feel free to email me for any enquiries at

Thank you very much.


C’s very candid reply on behalf of To:

Dear ZY, greetings to you too. thank you for initiating contact.
I'm the marketing executive handling all social media related platforms. I just found out that I'm pregnant and also, I'm not gonna get a promotion this year.
I have been to your blog and seen your photos there. Unfortunately, my computer crashed the moment your photos start to load and sadly, you must have missed a hit to your site visits due to this.
I currently moonlight, with great expertise in Photoshop and I could help edit your photos at a friendly rate of 4 bucks a photo. Because I'm pregnant now and I need the money, I could give you a ten percent off
Please feel free to let me try my professional Photoshop skills on your photos too
Thank you