Sunday, January 24, 2010

This bunch of muds took so long to decide on a purchase of a canvas bag which only cost $179 after discount. The girl was pissed and ranted on and on in malay to the other two guys because there's no box.

Note to all who wants to buy anything branded (if you call it branded):

Please! If you think $179 is big and you expect us to give you a box for it, try to be appreciative if we even give you a paper bag. Because...

1. We are not Miu Miu
2. It's understood that ONLY leather bags come with a free dust bag
3. You did not pay $1179 instead

So if you go Nike or Adidas and paid $179 for a bag, DO YOU EXPECT it to come in a box too?

As a consumer, please try to bear this in mind that you are NOT always right. We are not servants, we ARE JUST helping you to make a purchase. And you NEED us because we are trained and we can always give you professional advice on our merchandise. Be thankful and be nice. If you can't, then read up on all the brands that you buy and help yourself when you shop. Whatever it is, be learned if you want to buy anything branded. Because if you think being a second line we are, and you expect our merchandise to be as good as the first lines, go GioGio Armani instead of Armani Xchange, go Dolce & Gabanna instead of D&G, go Marc Jacobs instead of Marc by Marc Jacobs, go Donna Karan instead of DKNY. Now, you see the price differences, ignorant people.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I think I deserve to be a senior (or perhaps more? haha) at my work! Reason is simple. Because just my third day back and everyone's expecting me to do this/run that. Clearly, I am of certain value. Thanks everyone for welcoming me back this way, making me feel that I am sort of needed. /three cheers for Chrisma

It was great to snuggle back to a comfort zone. But I really know this can't go on forever. I need challenges and risks. I am a born danger loving person. And I hope when the day comes again, I would have enough courage to brave all storms outside the perimeters of Mummy's embrace. I am confident I will. For all flaws of me, I have etched deeply in my head and am striving to change out of them.

For tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I shall be a different better person.


I made a choice today.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm a material girl.

My narcissism was awaken today.

And I decided to include this into my resolution for 2010. Which, come to think of which, I haven't made any. Pfft. First one, to lose at least 10 kg. Okay peeps, this post on narcissism shall begin. I DO NOT think I am NOT hot. In fact, I think if I shed all these horrible cellulite, I WILL BE HOT. Because I think, I've got a great face except that the skin condition right now is not ideal. I would have to buy alot of facial products and bukake them onto my face every night like Yvonne. I don't think I need any plastic surgery on my face say apart from liposuction of the double chin (/rolls eyes). Other than that, good nose, nice lips, and okay, perhaps small eyes, but I like them small and seductive. Ain't no acting cute for me, do not need those big eyes.

I'm naturally fair.

I reckon I have nice legs even though I'm short.

I do not need any boobs implant. (yay!)

So, to summarize it all, I just NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. And I'll be on where I want to be on.

Oh and I need my long hair back. Losing my long long hair was my BIGGEST REGRET of all times. What was I thinking back then?! Having a bf doesn't mean I SHOULD uglify myself! Girls, if yer thinking putting on weight and not caring a deal about how you look once you are attached is really fine, please screw yourself. Because Men are cheap. Okay perhaps not only men, EVERYONE loves beautiful things. But some men have hot wives like Tiger Woods, and ended up screwing someone not as hot. Okay, change. Men are cheaper. LOL

I have tons of unhappiness inside with regards to my r/s. But I think I shan't go blabber on because he reads. I mean, he reads my blog, and he doesn't understand what I want. /falls off from chair. Is it too much to ask for securities? How does a man soothe a woman's insecurities?

1. Assurance and Re assurance
2. Saying nice things to her (for e.g you look great today, i miss you, i have a sudden urge to kiss you etc.)
3. Proving to everyone that you are capable of handling the down affairs and you won't be affected even when the r/s is a headache, even when your girlfriend is a nuisance
4. Spend more time with her
5. Spend even more time with her when you know you can't give her what you are working on now. For e.g: status, a sense of belonging)

You know, after listed down everything. It just seems to me that if you truly love someone, these just come naturally. You'd be protective of that person, and you'd care a great deal about her emotional and mental landscape. I guess without love, things would have to go theoretical instead of instinctually.

I'm so tired of all these, really.

It's good my narcissism's up again. I rock, and I know I'm always in demand.
And I will be more than a demand soon.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

i'm unhappy.


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Youhoo! Meh! I slept so lil and did a unsound one again! Damn, my eye bags are going to sag more at this rate.

I am once again, having an inordinate fascination with myself. My biggest regret of all times has to be the cut of my long long hair. Sighs. You know how hawt I look with long hair right? LOL. Now, I'm just an auntie lookalike with ugly hair.

I desperately want to get a figure like Mariah in this MV:

I think MC's really a songbird cum porn star. She's mind blowing
hot in here and I want a figure like hers!!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mentally unsound.

Screw! I woke up at 5:43am! Something is wrong with my bio clock! Nooo, it's not because I'm hungry. But I had countless nightmares in a night, too many to be named or I can't recall. I think it's because I'm out of job, which so explains why I'm so disturbed. =(

Anyways, just had my first meal in 16 hours. Yes, you are right, it's instant noodles again.

I can't stand this lifestyle anymore. Having maggie for breakfast is just so wrong when I used to spend so much on breakfasts. =(((((

I actually planned to go out for a jog. But I realise, I just washed my running shorts and they are still wet. Ugh. Why am I so stupid? Fine, I'll just jog in my PJ shorts.

Anyone wanna take me to ktv? Suddenly feel like singing siol.

God, please let the marketing company call me by 12nn to say they're offering me the position? Amen. I don't mind the pay at all. Just any! I'm fine! I just need a job!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

I'm Yours.

It's 8:23am now. I'm having an adrenaline rush which vacuumed me into a realm, somewhat not more than a year ago...

The song from Take That, named "Sure" was what I used to listen to when I think I've fallen for you...

"It's gotta be social compatible,
sexual irresistible,
it's gotta be right for life..."

Like a test drive before the purchase of a new car, what we had was probably a warming up exercise. So we made the decision to drive this new car, keep it fueled, maintain it, and it'd fire up, I'm sure.

Give me a lil more time to be stable, alright? =)

Please watch the vid. The song is for you.

P.S can't wait to see you on Sunday. ♥

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I detest myself.

Ugh. I spoke to the mirror just now. And asked tons of questions which I've already known the answers.

Chrisma gives up things too easily. And she is always seeking excuses out of nothingness to make herself look better.

And this is what I have learnt to accept:

Not everyone is born with everything within reach. And not everyone is born to have a smooth sailing career journey. There are certainly people who are this lucky, but it's only minority. And I don't happen to be in that category.

Oh God. Do you forgive me of all the previous follies?

I guess I need to get a new attitude.

I must.

P.S Owl city's sounds like Postal Service.
Do you agree?

I've sinned,
and I thank God.
I hope this time around,
everything will do just right.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

/clears throat

After reading Alloy's ex gf's blog, I am really scared. But at the same time relieved, holy mama, I'm not insane! Should I link? Okay. Maybe I should. Just for entertainment values peeps. Please do not take anything seriously, just for laughs. click here ---> 123.

And poor Alloy's current gf is so affected by it. Girlie, if you're reading this, please know that if you truly like this boy here, you should have faith in him. Because he's so sad now, and he sounds so sincere. =(

Refer to below:

Sleeping Beast. says (4:52 AM):
i cant
shes the one
silly as it sounds

*moloko. says (4:52 AM):
hah. then fight for it
go to her

Sleeping Beast. says (4:52 AM):
im fighting

*moloko. says (4:52 AM):
the minute u are back
No use fighting now
show it

Sleeping Beast. says (4:53 AM):
i will
the 1st thing i get hm tml
is gng to her place
which i dont know where yet lol

*moloko. says (4:53 AM):
*moloko. says (4:54 AM):

That's right peeps! If you really like someone, FIGHT for it! I've just lost someone dear to me, I don't wish to see another losing someone... =)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

the scales and the lioness.

a door left unopened,
not ajar,
just closed,
dead as lifeless.

albeit, open it.
open it if you're granted to.
feel the story within,
feel a lost love.


what a rapture of feelings,
of pain, hope and raging sentiments.

part of a time,
part of a place,
a crossroad lies ahead,
two took their own.

bade goodbye,
the lioness's heart cringed.
what a sad sad sight,
she thought.

what a sad sad sight,
to see the back of her love.
the shoulders so kin,
the arms she'd held,
the cheeks she'd kissed.

he waddled on,
on unbalance.
he didn't look back,
he chose to see what lies ahead.

her tender lips he'd forgotten,
her eyes once heaven,
"it was beautiful", he said that night.

her tears he'd wiped,
her embrace he'd sunk within,
and slept away many lonely nights.

the lioness cried out in silence,
told herself it's only period.
it was faith she has.

she would peer out to days,
in hope for the scales' return.

what a love.
what a love in modern days.

Friday, January 1, 2010

A song.

i'm in love.