Saturday, January 16, 2010

I'm a material girl.

My narcissism was awaken today.

And I decided to include this into my resolution for 2010. Which, come to think of which, I haven't made any. Pfft. First one, to lose at least 10 kg. Okay peeps, this post on narcissism shall begin. I DO NOT think I am NOT hot. In fact, I think if I shed all these horrible cellulite, I WILL BE HOT. Because I think, I've got a great face except that the skin condition right now is not ideal. I would have to buy alot of facial products and bukake them onto my face every night like Yvonne. I don't think I need any plastic surgery on my face say apart from liposuction of the double chin (/rolls eyes). Other than that, good nose, nice lips, and okay, perhaps small eyes, but I like them small and seductive. Ain't no acting cute for me, do not need those big eyes.

I'm naturally fair.

I reckon I have nice legs even though I'm short.

I do not need any boobs implant. (yay!)

So, to summarize it all, I just NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT. And I'll be on where I want to be on.

Oh and I need my long hair back. Losing my long long hair was my BIGGEST REGRET of all times. What was I thinking back then?! Having a bf doesn't mean I SHOULD uglify myself! Girls, if yer thinking putting on weight and not caring a deal about how you look once you are attached is really fine, please screw yourself. Because Men are cheap. Okay perhaps not only men, EVERYONE loves beautiful things. But some men have hot wives like Tiger Woods, and ended up screwing someone not as hot. Okay, change. Men are cheaper. LOL

I have tons of unhappiness inside with regards to my r/s. But I think I shan't go blabber on because he reads. I mean, he reads my blog, and he doesn't understand what I want. /falls off from chair. Is it too much to ask for securities? How does a man soothe a woman's insecurities?

1. Assurance and Re assurance
2. Saying nice things to her (for e.g you look great today, i miss you, i have a sudden urge to kiss you etc.)
3. Proving to everyone that you are capable of handling the down affairs and you won't be affected even when the r/s is a headache, even when your girlfriend is a nuisance
4. Spend more time with her
5. Spend even more time with her when you know you can't give her what you are working on now. For e.g: status, a sense of belonging)

You know, after listed down everything. It just seems to me that if you truly love someone, these just come naturally. You'd be protective of that person, and you'd care a great deal about her emotional and mental landscape. I guess without love, things would have to go theoretical instead of instinctually.

I'm so tired of all these, really.

It's good my narcissism's up again. I rock, and I know I'm always in demand.
And I will be more than a demand soon.

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