Saturday, January 26, 2008

Last night was fun! Went out with Von and Dylan. It was my first time in my whole life trying to matchmake. We had pizza and some Italiano food at Pizzeria at CHJMES and I suggested hitting dbl o. I am so glad that we did instead of going down to le baroque because I was doing shuffling with muds all night long! Lol? The couple left me alone on the dancefloor and a few muds came over and we did our thang. So this fool here did Sean Paul's way of dancing when Temperature came on and crank that when Soulja Boy's Crank That came. Bwahah! I missed Fish so much. -/mews- Lovey lovey dancing! Haha. When the alcohol smacked in, I turned into an animal and made a fool outta myself. Hmmm...

Met some mortals with low intellectual trying to come up with flashy lines to impress. It was because Dylan acted a pimp and tried to pimp Von and I off. Wtf? So I gave one of the not-so-bright earthlings a sneer. Really quite that. And argh? No photos. I was having one of the cancerian days before the alcohol all kicked in. Pardon pardon.

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