Friday, December 4, 2009

My saga with the twilight.

Went down to Jurong Point GV to catch Twilight Sage: New Moon last night.

Eh, Jacob Black is damn HOT luh! I was very awake whenever he's on scene. You don't believe me? Check this out!

Of course I am aware that this photo has been photoshopped before. But he IS really so motherfacking tasty in the show. His body is more comforting than chocolates. I think a handful of girls in the cinema went bonkers in their underwear whenever they see him half naked - me included!

All you Edward Cullen fans, I am afraid you might have to be disappointed because Rob's scenes, as compared to Taylor's, are a tad lesser. After all, that's what "New Moon" is about - Jacob Black.

But to be fair, because I am always in a teeter totter love with both,

Okay this is what I think. If I want to hit out some art galleries, museums or operas, I'll definitely pick Edward because he indeed looks more intelligent and refined as compared to Jacob (you know what they always say, all brawn and no brains. Which is so true, because the brawn I used to go out with has no brains, and those brainers has absolute no brawn.) And as for Jacob, I think I will bring him to beaches, clubs, and anything which doesn't require much socializing.

So what's your pick?


I want to rant now. Just what is it with Jurong Point GV to have so many rude and inconsiderate people? It's definitely not my first time having such unpleasant movie experience at Jurong Point GV so I am not passing some remarks based on no grounds. This specific elephant girl behind me was yakking non stop when she and her cliques (elephants too) took their seats behind me. And still is when the movie started. Yakking in cheena moreover!

"这个是 Jacob."
"Edward 是那个很帅的!"

You could almost feel my blood boiling inside. And I didn't want to be rude, I merely turned my head around to stare at her. I swear I was on the verge of telling her to shut up. Because I seriously don't understand why she is there if she couldn't tell who from who. I bet she doesn't even know who Stefanie Meyer is. Luckily for her, she stopped talking so much after a while, but still did, on an occasional basis.

Halfway through the show, another elephant girl talked on her mobile phone. I was hoping hard someone threw this whole school of whales into the Indian Ocean.

Just when you thought it's over, one elephant girl's boyfriend's mobile phone rang.

*some muthafucking cheena song playing... doesn't want to answer or cannot find his bloody cell... muthafucking cheena song playing still...*

Elephant girl #1: "按掉. 快点!" (impatient tone)
Elephant's bf: "我找不到!"

One very empathetic ah beng shouted, "Diam luh! nb!"


Remember what Butterfly quoted?

"People who are unequal certainly do not deserve equal chances.
If you are ugly and fucked up, you will be laughed at."

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