Wednesday, June 27, 2007


I would like to thank you for your words of comfort. Although we've never met, but I am glad you do feel me. And I'm relieved that I did send you a message on friendster. I am sure your words would sleep me like a baby later. Thanks a lot. Aights. I am just emo by nature, please pardon me. =)

I tried out my waterproof mascara on the bus my way home today.
It's really waterproof!

I couldn't contain it. Letting go is beyond 'painful'.
It is like sucking every living soul out of you.
It's like choking you every breath you tried to inhale.
How many of you get to even feel this way?

I bypassed so many beautiful sceneries and I pretended you were beside me.
But when a sudden abrupt rang of bell, I turned around and saw a sandy image of you vanishing right before my eyes. I couldn't bear to see you evanesce, I turned around and shed silent tears of grief.

They call me weak.
I just call myself emotional.
I feel for everything, even the slightest wither of leaves.
I feel for people; naturally I feel most for the person I adore.
And I love you more than you'll ever know.

You are close to ethereal perfection to me.

The world may label or judge you.
But you know it well, that i won't.
And I would never hear no stories to corrupt my mind again.

I set you free, flap your beautiful wings and soar high

And like I've always said,
"Always have, Always will".

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