Tuesday, June 5, 2007

The day in the life of Lai Hock.

I am uberly tired now.
But this has been waiting to be unleashed.
I have been procrastinating this, which I really have to set my heart to do it now.
Otherwise, my soul won't rest.


Hock went to Jln Singa to pick Chris up to meet Hao at Jln Tenaga to eat.
Hock and Hao talked cock while Chris sat there to watch teebee.

Enough of lousy structures of sentence.

It's never within my thoughts that in this very century, this very new age era when everything is about being the chic, the hip, the rhythm and blues, that such people still exist.

Location: McDonald's, opposite some Tampines street Blk 327

When we stepped out of the car, Nichol had told me that in that district, dangerous ah lians and bengs still prey. And my eyes just can't agree more with what he said just when we got to McDonald's. Sitting at the smoking corner: two males, two females. Just as we walked out of the convenience store, Nichol claiming himself to be 'only very observant' exchanged stares with one of the males.

To my most extremely shock in a very amusing way, one of the males shouted on the top of his lungs at Nichol, " KUA SI MI LAN JIAO!!! " My jaw dropped. And I believe I was rooted to the ground for a split second. Thoughts were racing through my mind fast and Nichol went up to him, patted him on his shoulder and the men's talk began.

The exchange of words were short, and we got into McDonald's to get us a drink. When we came out of it, the male, let's just call him Ming (which really is Beng in hokkien), laughingly approached Nichol and just said a mere Pai seh pai seh.

After we got our momentum for mugs, Ming had to come over for a chit chat with Nichol. I feel so thankful towards Nichol for letting me exposed to the 'scene' again, after a long 8 years. Guess what they talked about?

That convo in which I was listening to all the time, makes me wanna ROFLMAO and goes WTFWTH? almost at every single second of it. Familiar terms like GSS, Chao, 18siao were used throughout the convo. Heh. You can bet I was having this really odd sense of nostalgia.

Law boy, Lai Hock aka Nichol just seemed to be enjoying his own set of trance and narcissistic Ming just couldn't stop bragging and boasting about his contributory traits and attributes towards to the society and the economy. And so this went on...

Heh. It's a fun filled exciting night for the sixth month of the year. I guess I should head down to Tampines to mug more often. It's not like everyone gets to blog on this isn't it?

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Caffeine... Cigarettes... Law books... Casino Notes.

Inspirational. His very own set of mind, his way of handling and coping with tacky personal issues... you really wish you could be half like him. You would really love to meet him, you would really wish to give him your full attention and just listen to what he has to say. If I ever decide to write a novel, he would be the story.

The night went on... Been taught valuable truths and some simple philosophies which I should have registered long ago.

Stupid Chrissy.

She had been living in her delusional world. Blinded by a sheer mere word called love, or be it obsession, she had long forgotten the rules of the game. She had been a strong believer in love, she hopes she can be a stronger believer in herself. She was capable of loving someone, she had forgotten to attend to her own emotional needs. Through these two years, she had been blinding herself. She had thought she was happy. But, happiness cannot be achieved when loving yourself comes as the second priority.

It's time she sucks the facts all laid out right in front of her eyes in and start picking herself up. Be it a crawling manner, somehow she is aware that she has to do it herself.

I am on my own now.

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