Friday, June 8, 2007

unironic kitten.

I have been checking out this lady's blog who resides in LA. And this is the first time I managed to check out her friendster profile (when I had wanted to, the friendster was under maintenance). I had thought she would be a blonde. Nope. She turns out to be a brunette. Which I find myself silly, anticipating that. Because, it's just never the capability of a blonde to enthrall me. Okay, that's stereotyping, I admit and I am sorry. Well, at least, in the US, they have a general term for addressing the not-so-intelligent girls in a nicer tone. In Singapore, we are merely called the dumb ones.

The last paper for the examination ended with a commotion. It turned out that the questions on the paper weren't (really) related to what we'd been asked to study. So, the first thing which flashed to my mind: "OMG". As I read on, the second thing: "OMG". When I read and got to the essay questions: "OMFG". I had thought my eyes were playing naughty tricks on me. I looked around the hall, everyone was giving one another the OMFG face. So I realised, I wasn't hallucinating. I turned to my right to Amford and smiled sweetly at him. I turned to my left to my sister and smiled sweetly at her. Both of them shook their heads. I thought I was being encouraging by smiling, it turned out that I wasn't emotionally prepared to react to such an unexpected situation.

We digged our heads in and went ahead trying to answer the questions. Okay. Most of the questions required common sense and sensibility answers. Many people in the hall were whining to one another, whining and complaining to the invigilators. Why is that they don't have the wits to know that the invigilators are just the invigilators? And they can't do anything about it with regards to the change of syllabus? The invigilators called the school, my General Manager told them to tell us to go ahead with the paper. I knew it! Even before they wanted to give the school a call, I had known this was going to happen! I know Patrick could never be the responsible middle aged man he wants to be, and the man he almost is! What a poor untrained fella.

Many wanted to leave, most of them didn't even bother trying to tackle the questions. They thought we would be called and asked to retake. How naive. Oh yeah, we might be of course, at our own costs, my dear fellow schoolmates.

I can't sleep. It's hitting six a.m in seven minutes and I just can't sleep. I had thought I'm very tired. I should be. I guess I was just mentally tired. From the exhaustive notes apprehending, and the constant reminder of Bennett et al. I guess, I would be better tomorrow. Because I am starting to feel a little better now. I am crossing my fingers tightly on that.

I didn't see "A" Boy aka Chirag today. I had planned to walk up to him, grab him and tongued him. Heh. Negative. I just wanted his MSN add. Well, it's okay. I don't really care. He is just a good-looking, 17 year old boy who speaks a mouthful of fluent English with those kind of accent which I adore... Chrissy!! What are you thinking? He is 5 years your junior and the only contact you've had with him was the few exchanges of eye contact! Quit your young geeks fetish!

It's June. How fast time has passed. I cannot imagine how cruel time is to us. I just cannot imagine. I have sort of, graduated. I did it. I thought it was only yesterday I walked into the classroom with the wrong attire and wrong shoes? I feel it was only yesterday I walked on the school's carpet? It feels like I was at Bennett et al's house last night and was eating his maid's fried rice? Hmm... weird. It's been close to 4 months. Which means in another 2 months, it would be half a year, and in another 8 months, it would be a year. God. Heartaches attack again.

He's gone. Really gone.


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