Monday, September 24, 2007

The disease is back.

I have been trying to inject myself with hypothetical happiness jabs, realised my body is rejecting 'em. All of 'em. Couldn't even remember when was the last time I had a good full sleep. 2 to 3 hours has been my daily dosage. My brain couldn't stop churning. Neuromodulators overcrowded - red alert for brain flood. When I am asleep, I know it. Chain smoking is futile and I am trying to kick it. Listened to tons of lounge, jazz, nothing worked. They managed to drift me to this lightness, but unconsciousness was out of reach. Guess trying to be happy shouldn't work for me and possession of sleeping pills - a life threatening danger.

Watched nip/tuck, laughed uncontrollably at this statement this woman said to Christian,"I am a masochist, and you're a sadist, so we're meant for each other". And Christian permitted her to have sex with him only if she wears a recycled grocery bag. /lmao? I guess that's the world works isn't it?

Not a single one of us isn't a sadist and a masochist.

Glide cosy into my rocket ride,
Get ready to go.
Fly into my palm and collapse,
I suppose you'd never know.
Nobody knows where they might end up;
Nobody knows.
Nobody knows when they might wake up;
Nobody knows.
Tick tock, tic tac toe.
Ready for the sky?
Ready to go?

I seriously can't wait to get the hell outta here.

This is a lil note for myself.
"If it's Wednesday today, watch Grey's at 10.35pm."

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