Friday, March 7, 2008


You said if I stood rooted in the middle of your open palms and do nothing at all but wait,
you would gradually close them in on me and wrap me nicely like a pretty little gift,
loved and protected from the earthly sins God had showered upon everything.

So, I tried to spin every day in your embrace like a ballerina with stars on my feet.

One thing for sure, we undeniably share this connection which is so hard to come by. If you beg to differ, remind me that I am merely being hypothetical. I could wait on forever and bask myself in the sea of sweet misery that you want me to get lost in. If that's the punishment, that's the only way you think I would learn, I will learn to swim out of it myself. Let's try not to be too warped for now since things are clearer seeing them in retrospect. And take this statement made here positively. If I ever get out of it, you'd be standing by the shore, watching the beautiful yolk setting down into the horizon of the world. Wrap a warm towel around me as you've promised. Kiss me and hold me without tears this time. And we'll both sleep sound every night. Very sound indeed.

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