Friday, February 27, 2009

It has been an eventful week! Say apart from this one day which my brain decided to be a wanderlust for a day, and one specific hater at work who has been trying to bend the truth and painstakingly attempted to dig me in, I am a self proclaimed lucky girl. Seeing how everyone rejoices at the fact of us being together, it almost feel as if they are giving their true and sincere heartfelt blessings. I think the both of us fit into this category of a 'one' quite well. =)

And that hater really did spend a significant amount of effort and time just to try. How devious, how apparent, how so funnily childish, how lousily plotted her scheme was. Which makes me conclude, the lesser one's educated, the more insecure one is. I'll sing my own praise here, she's doing a right thing in order to keep her ass warm. Because I am infinitely stronger, no doubt. But that shall depends on how far my ego is willing to compromise because right now, I am very well aware that I don't suck balls even though it's seriously just a will of my mind. I don't need to have this job as much as she does. It's a scary thing about playing punk with someone who has nothing to lose. 

"If you are this way because of your upcoming promotion, let me gently remind you, that you would still be glued low in this hierarchy of social status. You can pretend that you are high and you would have to bleed in order to beat me. Psst." 

Garbage - Stupid Girl.

Ok. Bye peeps! I'm off to do nails for this fourth date with this very hot man! 

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