Friday, February 13, 2009

Feel loved.V'day '09.

A look through ajar doors;
I couldn't tell.
I couldn't tell you nothing more.
I didn't feel.
I couldn't feel.
The world sank in;
warped we, silent.
Materialized a thousands thoughts;
of glee, of joy,
or melancholy?
Backs turned, and walked.
and away from an equal point of inevitability.
What blossoms out?
Of a snowflake on a stove.


Something big happened luh. Jude's cuzzy was diagnosed with Aids, and wtf? Totally traumatizing and please, if you, who's reading this, happens to sleep with any Tom, Dick and Harry or Jane, Ann and Mary, please go for your check ups. We don't need an epidemic of Aids. I heard on the news some time back that they are training dogs to sniff cancer outta patients. Maybe I should train my guinea pigs to sniff Aids outta everyone around me luh. So Chrissy can save the world, I should just save the world.

I don't apprehend why everyone is wishing one another a Happy Vday when it isn't even a holiday to begin with.  You must be thinking, I sound sore because I am single? Hmm... MEH!! You fuck shit don't know me at all. Haha. 


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